Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Pc Game Download

Modern Warfare 2 Game

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a first person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and released by Activision Studios released in 2009. However it was included as Call of Duty 5 but its real name was "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2" and is the most popular game of the Call of Duty series. I have uploaded most of the parts on my blog and these are Call of Duty 1Call of Duty 2Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and Call of Duty Ghosts. This is the fifth installment of the Activision Studios and the older versions which I uploaded before on my website were not very popular. Because there was no full option in weapon and stages system. But when Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was released, it killed most of the other shooting and war games like Max Payne 1, Max Payne 2 and even Far Cry 1 was also not played. All the users were giving preference to this game and these days Tom Clancy's installments were also flopped. Everywhere there was a viral of "COD 5" and all the persons were buying it and playing it online on there PC.

Complete Game

Now I have seen at most of the places that the owners of website are publishing games on there website without checking and most of them are highly compressed. But I have checked it on my PC and its not highly compressed, its full version and you can also download full version call of duty modern warfare 2 easily because it is a torrent file. As you know that torrent files are downloaded easily instead of direct file links. This is my own story when I was uploading games with torrent files than all the users complaint please choose direct links. But when I choose direct links than they say to me why don't you use a torrent link. I was completely disturbed from them and now I upload most of the games which are of torrent file not direct. Because if you are downloading files direct and your computer is shutdown, than you cannot restore it easily. But with torrent this process is done easily and you don't need to worry about your file.


In older parts there was just one team of our soldiers but now in this installment they have changed a system and its a lot of different. Now in this game they have included 5 different teams and this system is very perfect because each and every team goes to different mission. The other parts of Call of Duty were including 1 captain but this one is different. Because each team has a different captain and the head of all these is Joseph Allen who is a US Army Ranger and he dies when our heroes are capturing Afghanistan.  When our alpha persons are capturing Russia than he comes there but when there is turn of Afghanistan, than he dies and all of our soldiers become hopeless. But later of captain arrives whose name is James Ramirez, he tells our heroes not to be hopeless. Because in war these things happen and also he tells them one more thing. If you are going through hell than keep going. After that our soldiers run and take revenge from Russians Army.

Missions on Tanks

Now there is another great system setup by this version producers is our commandos can also use tanks to kill enemies and get freedom. Tanks were also included in the older versions but the system they introduced is a little bit different from those. Because in old ages the tanks used were rough and when they become hot they were burnt. But now they have changed it and when our commandos are doing war on tanks, than they can also see rather it is our person or it has come from enemy field. Means to say tanks and automobiles used in this product is like a modern world. Now when our commandos are capturing Russia turf than they attack on Russians while on automobiles and this is the most difficult mission of the whole game.

How To Download

This is a torrent file, so you  need a torrent software to download this on your PC.

How To Install

After downloading the file open folder and than launch setup, after installation copy crack and than paste it in the installed folder of game. Now launch and than enjoy please rate if this product worked on you.

System Requirements

Processor Intel Core 2 Duo
Ram 1 GB
Graphics Card 512 MB
File Size 11.1 GB

Installation Notes: 
1. Unrar the release.
2. Install the game.
3. Copy the cracked content into the main install folder and overwrite.
4. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as secure/trusted in your antivirus program.
                                                               5. Play the game   

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